The Godfather (1972)

Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Director of Photography: Gordon Willis
Production Designer: Dean Tavoularis

Genre: Drama, Crime

Camera: Arriflex 35 IIC
Lens: Bausch & Lomb Super Baltar Lenses Mitchell BNCR, Bausch & Lomb Super Baltar Lenses
Aspect: 1.85 : 1

Total stills from this movie: 440

Search Criteria:
Shot Attributes:
2 screen shots tagged with: gun, exterior, glass, gunblast, broken window from the film The Godfather (1972)
Still from The Godfather (1972) that has been tagged with: gun & exterior & glass & gunblast & broken window
Still from The Godfather (1972) that has been tagged with: gun & exterior & glass & gunblast & broken window


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