Search Criteria:
Shot Attributes:
8 screen shots tagged with: 66000c, extreme wide
Still from 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from JoJo Rabbit (2019) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from Gattaca (1997) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from Taxi Driver (1976) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from Elvis (2022) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from La La Land (2016) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from Elvis (2022) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide
Still from Raising Arizona (1987) that has been tagged with: 66000c & extreme wide


End of results...