Search Criteria:
Shot Attributes:
10 screen shots tagged with: day, establishing shot, high-angle, aerial
Still from Under The Skin (2013) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from The Limits of Control (2009) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from Psycho (1998) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from Sicario (2015) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from Slumdog Millionaire (2008) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from Apocalypse Now (1979) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from Rosemary's Baby (1968) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from The Place Beyond The Pines (2012) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial
Still from The Social Network (2010) that has been tagged with: day & establishing shot & high-angle & aerial


End of results...