Search Criteria:
Shot Attributes:
8 screen shots tagged with: over-the-shoulder, day, one-point-perspective
Still from The Shining (1980) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from The Shining (1980) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from American Beauty (1999) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from Star Wars: A New Hope (1977) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from Memories of Murder (2003) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from Commercial: Nike — "Greatest Dynasty Ever" that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective
Still from The Shining (1980) that has been tagged with: over-the-shoulder & day & one-point-perspective


End of results...